Would you like to acquire clients that could not otherwise afford your services?
Would you like to be paid immediately for the funeral services you provide?
Our clients have lost a loved one due to the negligence of some third party who
will become liable to pay the claim. Because many of our clients cannot afford funeral
services our law firm acquires funding for funeral costs.
All that we ask is that you charge reasonable and customary rates for your
services and that you provide our clients with exceptional service. In exchange, you can
be paid immediately.
We strive to have a great relationship with just a few funeral service providers
in each county in the state. We have found that having only a few providers in each
county benefits our clients. Better communication and familiarty with each other
generates better service for our clients.
With your permission, we will list your service on our website for the county that
you are in. This will provide a much needed SEO back link to your website and will
hopefully benefit your overall business marketing. This is done free of charge and as a
way of saying thank you for helping our clients.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us. Just dial
888-660-4529 and dial extension 0.